Our Services

This is what we do…

We are a paediatric occupational therapy practice and treat infants and children from birth to 18 years of age

NICU / Premature Babies

Not every child who is born prematurely will have developmental challenges. However, these children are at risk and we know that early intervention makes a difference! Even if your little one doesn’t require regular therapy it may be a great idea to set up monitoring services to ensure that development stays on track. Our premature children often have sensory sensitivities, difficulties in regulation, challenges in postural control and later concentration difficulties.

“Fussy” Babies

We love to work with our fussy babies and our therapy in this area is usually focused on consultation. We rely on a sensory processing approach to helping to build in safety and regulation with these children.

Sleep / Routine Difficulties

We know how important sleep is – for babies AND their parents! We follow a sleep hygiene and sensory approach to supporting sleep.

Developmental Delay

We have a special place in our hearts for children with developmental delay. We are often in awe of their resilience and love to celebrate small victories- even when progress is slow. Often the changes we see are subtle yet powerful. We work closely with parents to help them become more tuned in to these changes so that we can celebrate the changes together.

Sensory Processing Dysfunction

We often hear that children have been diagnosed with ‘sensory issues’ and we are certainly finding more and more of this. We love the awareness around the impact of sensory processing on development. This is a large focus of our assessment and therapy and is often a foundational area which can impact development. Sensory processing disorder can include dyspraxia (difficulties in motor planning) as well as sensory modulation disorders (sensory sensitivities, sensory seeking and sensory undearousal). We all have a specific sensory profile – in how we respond to sensory input from our environments – so some adults and children this profile can play some havoc on development.


More and more children are being formally and informally diagnosed with ADHD. There is often an overlap between ADHD and sensory processing. In addition, therapy is focused on helping to support arousal regulation, working on skill deficits, teaching memory skills, organizational skills and how to better cope.

Pervasive Development Disorder / Autism

Children with autism are so wonderful to work with as they are each so different and unique. We love discovering their hidden skills and helping to create order and safety within their worlds. We love to see moments of interaction and forming relationships. Therapy is a wonderful place where the world can slow down for a bit and create a space with sensory input can be provided in graded ways. Therapy focuses on a variety of skills to support planning, communication, skills and sensory processing.

School Related Difficulties

We work at many schools – both remedial and mainstream in Benoni, Bedfordview and Edenvale. We know that learning is a child’s main occupation and for some children, this is not fun or easy. We love being able to support children in building and boosting skills so that they can be more confident in their learning.

In addition to parent education, support and therapeutic intervention, we also understand that helping a child with a disability or difficulty can be overwhelming. Parents often don’t know where to start or where to go next. Managing this process can be a difficult one and we are able to assist parents in designing the ‘road-map’ ahead.

We strongly believe that education and training of parents and teachers is important in supporting our children and thus offer workshops on various topics throughout the year. These are communicated on our facebook page SensoryMattersOT as well as on our Instagram page. We have also partnered with the Eduvation Network making our teacher workshops available online.

We offer individual and group sessions which are decided upon after consideration of a combination of factors including the child’s therapy needs as well as financial and time factors. Sessions range between 30 and 60 minutes and are usually held once a week for a period of 6 months after which a reassessment is conducted and recommendations are made.


At FeedingMatterz we use a transdisciplinary approach to address your child’s specific feeding needs.

Is your child a picky or fussy eater? We can help!

Red Flags for feeding difficulties:

  • Avoiding certain foods

  • Irritability around mealtimes

  • Poor weight gain or weight loss

  • Frequent vomiting or reflux

  • Not transitioning to baby food purees by 10 months

  • Not eating any table food solids by 12 months

  • Difficulty transitioning from breast/bottle to a cup by 16 months

  • Still eating baby foods at 16months

  • Choking, gagging or coughing during meals

  • A food range of less than 20 foods, especially if foods are being dropped over time with no new foods replacing those lost

  • Crying and/or arching at most meals

  • Continued fighting about food and feeding (meals are battles)

  • Frequently saying that your child is difficult to feed

Our Team consists of:

  • A Dietitian

  • Occupational Therapists

  • A Speech Therapist

Enquire for more information



What is CVI?

Cortical Visual Impairment. This visual impairment is due to damage of the visual pathways and centres in the brain. 

It can co-exist with ocular motor disorders and can result from perinatal brain dysfunction or trauma. 

The picture the eye sees is interpreted by the brain so we understand the world around us better. 

Children with these difficulties may need assistance to de-clutter and better  understand the world around them. 

How will I know if my child has CVI?

  1. Eye exam has been done and can’t fully explain the child’s use of vision.
  2. History or presence of neurological issues.
  3. Presence of behaviour or visual responses associated with CVI.

There are 3 levels of CVI and 10 characteristics that are investigated to determine your child’s level of CVI:

  • Colour preference

  • Movement

  • Latency
  • Visual Fields
  • Complexity
  • Distance
  • Light
  • Visual Reflexes
  • Absence of visually guided reach
  • Novelty

Contact us for a CVI range assessment. With support we will put strategies in place and make suggestions to integrate CVI treatment strategies into everyday situations and consult with other therapists / teachers to adapt therapy, school and home environments. 

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What does MindMatterz deal with?

As part of the specialization of our services, we have included some specific services under MindMatterz. This includes T.R.E, Cranio Sacral Integration Therapy and Wellness.

Why MindMatterz?

This brand encompasses far more than just the mind. We are learning more and more that our mind and body is connected in the most amazing ways. MindMatterz is thus a simplification of the benefits that the above-mentioned services offer our overall health.

What is T.R.E?

This refers to Tension and Trauma Releasing exercises. It is a safe method that helps the bodyto release stress and tension that has accumulated in the body. This can be from daily stressors and pressures or specific traumas e.g. bullying, death, abuse.

Children from about the age of 6 and up can be taught T.R.E. In general, a client would need 4-6 sessions with a provider in order to facilitate the body and support the person through their bodies responses to trauma and to facilitate integration.

Potential benefits of T.R.E
  • It is easily learned and something that can be used at home.
  • It is a natural deterrent to stressors – allows tension to be released so it diminishes orreduces PTSD symptoms.
  • Activates the Relaxation Response of the Para-Sympathetic Nervous System
  • Self-applied in most cases – however, some difficult traumas may require the guidance of aprofessional therapist.
  • Restores safety and relaxation in the body – thereby promoting a sense of well-being.
  • Integrates well with any other therapy or treatment modality
  • No negative side effects if performed within the physical limitations of the individual.
  • Can improve sleep
  • Stress related headaches and migraine
  • Can help reduce and manage anxiety
  • Chronic pain and old injuries
  • Reducing reactivity and anger response intensity.

For children this a wonderful skill to learn to help ‘discharge’. A calmer body, with less anxiety and tension will support social skills and interaction, learning, play and their resilience to the stressors of life.

What is Cranio Sacral Integration Therapy

I have been trained under Justine Hunt at the College of Cranio Sacral Therapy South Africa(in line with UK Standards). Her approach covers a Cranio Sacral Integrative approach to therapy. This means that this therapy is aimed at addressing the fascial system as well as the cranio-sacral system.

It is a gentle hands on technique which uses light touch to examine and treat the membranes and movement of cerebral spinal fluid around the central nervous system, as well as the fascia in the body which covers muscles, nerves, ligaments and organs (everything inside the body).  This therapy results in the release of compressions, restrictions and asymmetries in these areas and can result in supporting body health and helping to activate the vagus nerve which is vital in regulation and ‘rest and digest’ which is important in managing the effects of stress.

Who would benefit from CSIT?

Babies, Children (and adults – although not the focus of our practice):

  • With a history of ear infections or very low immunity
  • Traumatic births
  • Head injury
  • Visual based difficulties
  • Headaches
  • Fussy babies
  • Children with asymmetry and developmental delays.

Enquire for more information


Frequently Asked Questions

How long is a session?

Therapy sessions are typically 45 minutes. However, depending on your child’s age, as well as finances, these could be 30 minutes. Initial consultations and assessments range from 1 to 1.5 hours.

What can we expect when coming for our first session?

Our first aim is to set both you and your child at ease. For your children, this means allowing time to explore and play. Older children are usually more ready to get started.

The therapy space offers a fun and inviting space in which to work and this often helps children to quickly settle.

The first session usually involves more formal assessments and clinical observations as we spend time gathering all the necessary information about your child’s abilities.

Are parents / siblings allowed to be in the room?

Parents may sit in on the session – particularly for younger children. For older children we prefer parents to wait outside- and we are able to either set aside a few minutes at the end of the session for feedback or post-session information on Seesaw (an app we use for communicating).

We prefer siblings to wait outside the therapy space as it can be disruptive. However, in some cases, we arrange for groups with siblings e.g. when it is necessary to work on the sibling relationship.

What if my child does not want to participate?

What?! A child does not want to have fun?! Kidding – this does sometimes happen. We are skilled in working through these emotions. If your child is very anxious we can arrange for you to spend time together in the space without the therapist and work from there.

Sometimes it is necessary for us to create some boundaries and structure to contain a child and as part of the therapy process. If this is the case, this would be discussed with you as a parent and approached as a team with you.

We do believe that learning happens through active participation and fun, so we have some creative ways of encouraging participation.

How many sessions do we need to attend?

Therapy is usually done once a week for a period of 6 months, after which time a reassessment is done to determine whether we can discharge or need to continue.

Children with disabilities and special learning needs often require long-term therapy support.

Some children don’t need therapy, but instead, require a home program and parent/teacher education.

The therapy needs are usually discussed with you after an assessment has been completed.

What does a session cost?

Rates vary depending on what is required. Please contact us to discuss your requirements and we will send you an estimate. 

Do you do full evaluations?

Yes! Our assessments give you a lovely overall picture of your child’s development, strengths, and challenges. We do not do IQ testing or in-depth emotional testing as part of our assessment. We also do not do any formal speech and language assessments and may refer you to the relevant professional should that be your main area of concern.

Do I need a referral to get an appointment?

You are welcome to contact us directly if you are concerned about your child in any way.

Do you offer Zoom sessions?

Thanks to Covid we have certainly learned about the value of online meetings! We reserve these for a parent or team meetings.

We prefer to do therapy sessions in person.

Are your appoinments covered by Medical Aid?

Yes – we can submit claims directly to your medical aid on your behalf. We ask that the initial assessment be paid upfront and claimed back from your medical aid.

Please do note that therapy is paid for out of your day-to-day benefits.