What is Occupational Therapy?
Occupational therapy is a client-centred health profession concerned with promoting health and well-being through occupation.
We use activities that are meaningful to children (PLAY FUN PLAY) to treat their difficulties – whether these are caused by physical, sensory, psychosocial, developmental or learning difficulties.
Appropriate Development
Through occupational therapy we aim to promote appropriate development. We have a strong focus on preventing delay and encouraging independence.
Because we consider all areas of your child’s life – including play, interaction, independence, self care and school.
What Our Families are Saying
The ladies who make it all possible
Our team consists of individuals who care, who are motivated and who are passionate about their careers and the children they work with.

Frequently Asked Questions

What services do you offer?
Occupational Therapy involves the assessment and then treatment of various developmental challenges which impact a child’s play, work or self care.
We offer comprehensive assessments of all aspects of development. Sometimes children don’t cope with a single assessment session – due to age, diagnosis or personality. In such cases we may offer diagnostic therapy. This means we start with therapy sessions and use the first few sessions to assess your child over time. The assessment is usually about 1.5-2 hours. We choose the assessment tests based on your child’s age and abilities. We prefer to offer assessments in the mornings when children are best able to focus.
If therapy is indicated we usually arrange this for once a week at a regular appointment for a period of 6 months, after which time a reassessment is done. Therapy sessions are usually 45 minutes, but could also be 30 minutes
Some children require group therapy sessions and we offer these if we are able to ensure that all children in the group are able to benefit from the group therapy setting.
How can Occupational Therapy help my child?
OT helps children play, improves their school performance, and aids their daily activities. It also boosts their self-esteem and sense of accomplishment. With OT, children can:
- Improve your child’s sensory processing – ability to respond more appropriately to sensory input and use this information to support learning.
- Develop fine motor skills so they can grasp and release toys and develop good handwriting skills.
- Improve eye–hand coordination so they can play and do needed school skills such as bat a ball and copy from a blackboard.
- Master basic life skills such as bathing, getting dressed, brushing teeth, and self-feeding.
- Learn positive behaviors and social skills by practicing how they manage frustration and anger.
- Assist in sourcing special equipment to help build their independence. These include wheelchairs, splints, bathing equipment, dressing devices, and communication aids.
What types of children do you work with?
We work with children from birth – 18 years to support their development. All types of diagnosis’s and ages are welcome.
Our special interests include.
- Fussy infants
- Infants at risk – those born prematurely or who have developmental delays
- Infants and children who are fussy feeders and picky eaters
- Children who present with CVI (Cerebral Visual Impairment)
- Infants and children with sensory processing difficulties
- Children struggling with preschool or learning within their academic environment
- Teenagers
- Children diagnosed with conditions such as Cerebral Palsy, syndromes, ADHD, Autism, Learning difficulties, Dyslexia and Developmental delays
- Children who struggle with difficult behaviours.
We have a special interest in sensory integration as well as neuro developmental therapy. Our therapists are also trained in other relevant skills such as MAES, Therapeutic listening, SOS feeding, CVI, TRE.
How much does a session cost?
Assessment and therapy costs vary slightly based on your child’s needs. Please feel free to contact us to enquire about session costs.
Although we request that assessments are paid for upfront, this can be claimed from your medical aid, and therapy sessions can be billed directly to your medical aid by us, on your behalf (these claims do however come from your day to day benefits).
If your child has a disability identified under the prescribed minimum benefits, you may apply for PMB additional funds through your medical aid.
Some medical aids request ex-gratia applications in order to fund further therapy – it would be important that you contact your medical aid to identify their process and procedures.
What can I expect when coming to a session?
Parents often ask this question when their child is anxious. If your child is particularly anxious we are happy to send pictures of our space or set up a visit prior to the appointment to create some familiarity.
But what we love most about OT is how much fun it is! It is NOT like going to a doctor – although we do wear scrubs Children are quickly put at ease by our fun therapy space, and our playful approach. Children don’t realise how hard they are working on their areas of challenge when they are at OT. We believe that through fun, their anxiety is reduced and then active learning can take place.
To a parent watching – therapy looks just like that – fun play! But don’t under-estimate the science and clinical reasoning that goes into activity choices, structuring, presentation and grading. These aspects of the therapy session together with our assessment findings and therapy goals guide us in our therapy planning.
Therapy creates a fun safe place where its ok to fail, to try again and explore different ways of doing things without fear.
Are parents allowed to attend the sessions?
We often leave this up to parents and their children to decide. As a parent you know your child – our question is often – will your child cope best with or without you present and follow their lead based on this.
We love having parents observe sessions for younger children. We also welcome nanny’s or aupairs who spend a lot of time with your children so they can learn skills for carry over or to put homeprograms in place.
Sometimes the aim of therapy is to move towards independence. In such cases we may discuss a ‘parent exit plan’ to work on this skill as a team.
We really value a team approach to therapy – to this end we sometimes suggest a school visit or team meetings to discuss progress etc.
Do I need a referral for an appointment?
You are welcome to contact us directly if there is anything about your child’s development that you are worried or uncertain about. Parents are the experts in their children – so trust your gut! We firmly believe in the value of early intervention – even if your child doesn’t end up needing therapy, the insights and advice your receive can really support you and your child.
I have no idea where to start, can someone help me?
We have an absolute passion for being ‘sensible navigators’ for families and guiding them on the roadmap ahead. It can be so daunting when you have either received a diagnosis, or when you have been recently referred for help. Its often difficult to know where to begin or who to see.
We would be able to guide you in the process – and may e.g. refer you to another professional based on your child’s needs, or help you to prioritize recommendations made.
Contact us via email or phone. We will ask you about your concerns and then decide if OT can assist you best and set up a time with one of our practitioners.
Get in touch
Have more questions? No problem! Please do not hesitate to contact us, we are here and ready to help you!